We were quite the site walking back and forth not knowing where to go. We finally chose a bus to get on but we had no idea when we needed to get off. We ended up getting off late so we had to backtrack. From there we had to catch a ferry. We found the dock alright but we had no idea where to buy our tickets or where we needed to wait to get onto the ferry. There was a little boy nearby with his mom who happened to know some English and he helped us get on the ferry. The waves
were at high tide so the boat was rocking like crazy! It was a super short ride but really fun. We got off the ferry and all we knew was that we needed to find a bus to take us to Marsukoba. Where that bus was we had no idea! We walked around a bit then waited at what we thought was a bus stop. Twenty five minutes later we decided to walk up further to find a bus. We flagged down 2 buses but niehter of them knew what Marsukoba was. We were at a
I was in group 'siem' or seven. We were all given different groups... which made things really hard because we don't speak any russian and barely any of the people there spoke any english. After dinner there was a fireside but
It was a pretty fun dance despite the fact they kept the lights on. The next day the sun woke me up and I headed down to breakfast. Our rooms were so freezing, it was warmer outside at 7am then in our room under our blankets! Kind of ridiculous. After breakfast there was a seminar then later we headed down to the beach. It was kind of chilly outside so we
were sitting on the beach in pants, shirt, jacket and tennis shoes! It felt so wrong but it was still really fun! That night the temple president held a fireside, it was on preparing yourself to go to the temple. It was a really
cool talk, and he spoke in English so that was really nice for us. Afterwards we had dinner then went straight to the talent show. It was interesting to see a talent show in Russian. We didn't understand anything but it was still fun! They ended the night with
cool talk, and he spoke in English so that was really nice for us. Afterwards we had dinner then went straight to the talent show. It was interesting to see a talent show in Russian. We didn't understand anything but it was still fun! They ended the night with
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