April 26,2011
This long weekend started off with Jennii and I teaching a double shift on Friday. This meant we taught the morning group from 9-1 and the afternoon from 3-7. We did this as a favor to the morning teachers because they willingly taught a double for us a few weeks ago so we could get better. I was super nervous for it.... I mean it's hard enough trying to make it through 4 hours of teaching but 8? Thank goodness I had
Jennii right there with me because she kept me positive and energetic =) Teaching in the morning was actually a lot of fun! The kids were fun and silly and there was only half as many of the kids we have in the afternoon so it was super nice. We got done teaching the morning half and had a few hours to eat and get ready for round two. Somehow I made it through the next 4 hours of teaching... not sure how I did that without falling asleep but I did! Needless to say I have never been so exhausted in my
Here are some more pictures from my weekend =)
Left: After spending a night barbecuing this was our view =)Right: Vova was trying to teach me how to skateboard, he is super talented
Left: This loving dish is called 'blood of a pig' still think it looks good? Think again :/
Right: Easter Eve barbecue, the food here is AMAZING
Left: Looking out over the river above the beach
Right: Behind me is the bridge we walked across to get to the beach, do you notice the SUN! =)
Left: Natalie and Auvi being so silly! Gotta love height differences =)
Right: Sorry I cut off your face Nat!I love these girls <3
Happy Easter!