Sunday, February 6, 2011

There aren't enough days in the weekend

February 6, 2011
Another week has flown by, leaving me wondering where the crap time goes? Can I just say that after a week of teaching I finally realize why teachers look forward to their weekends so much! I love the kids, don't get me wrong, but teaching definitely tires you out. On Monday I taught just like usual and then had FHE afterwards. By the time we got there they were playing Sardines and making the refreshment. Best parts of the activity if you ask me. =) After FHE we all decided to head over to the bakery down the road because after 7 o'clock they sell everything for half off! Of course we couldn't resist that! I got this croissant that had a chocolate bar melted on the inside and was also drizzled with chocolate on the top. It was HEAVENLY! On Tuesday night I didn't feel very good and had trouble sleeping and Wednesday morning I was throwing up. I still went to school because I didn't want to ditch out on teaching because its so hard to combine classes. I lasted about 5 minutes with the kids and then told Ameri that I needed to go home. She finished teaching my lessons for me and I went home and took a 4 hour nap. That made me feel LOADS better. I must have just had a little bug or eaten something that didn't agree with me because the next day I was all better. Friday before teaching  Natalie and I decided we were going to have lunch at McDonalds
since it had been over a week being there! Plus we just wanted to get out of our houses and do something =) Afterwards we looked around at some of the small markets.  I ended up getting some brown tights that I love. Teaching was so fun, we were all excited that it was Friday. Mood really does effect teaching SO much! After teaching was done we ordered pizza and Natalie, Kenzie, Jennii, Audrey and I had a sleepover at the school. Yep, another sleepover.. but I'm thinking we should start calling them wakeovers because we don't get much sleep! The pizza took 2 hours until it was finally delivered and by that time we were starving! Good thing we got two larges because we thought we were going to save some of it for breakfast... but ya that didn't work out too well because we ate it all that night! After we were all stuffed we played some card games. I didn't realize how much I missed playing cards! We played nerts, slap, and spazz. We were all just laughing so hard at everything it was great. Well 1 am rolled around and we decided we should probably start our movie. We ended up watching Juno because me and Jennii had never seen it, and it was actually a pretty funny movie. Plus it has the girl from Inception so I loved that =) On Saturday we all slept in until 10:30 then got ready and headed out to Krashadic. We wanted to go find the souvenir street that our coordinator had pointed out the week before but believe it or not we got lost.... but we ended up running into one of the other groups and they pointed out the way for us. Turns out we were going the complete opposite way! By the time we finally found the street we only had 15 minutes to look around before we had to go to our next appointment. 15 minutes does not sound like enough time to buy something right? Well we did! We all bought amazing russian hats! Everyone wears these and I have always wanted one so 4 of us decided to buy them! I dunno about you but when I wear mine I feel like Toad from Mario Party! I feel like I have a mushroom on my head. =) It's the best. We got so many silly looks. Yep we're American what can we say? After we bought hats we made our way to center school and Tanya, our head coordinator, taught us how to make Borsht! It pretty much has beets, carrots, potatoes, and onions in it and it's AMAZING! The perfect soup on a cold day that's for sure. Afterwards we headed over to Ameri's apartment and made brownies and played 'things.' We all were getting pretty tired around 7 so we headed out. On our way to the metro stop we passed a boot/purse/coat shop and couldn't help but go in. And believe it or not I got another pair of boots and I LOVE THEM! What can I say I love to shop =) Today we left for church at 8 and made it there by 9:50! We totally have got it down now. No more being late to church for us! Church was so amazing! The spirit was so strong during testimony meeting and the lessons for class were well prepared. I love the gospel so much! I really look forward to Sunday's each week.  They really help the week go by much better. For dinner my family made noodles, chicken liver, borsht and rice. Everything except the liver was DELICIOUS! It amazes me all the food I can eat now! It's funny they told us in training that when we first arrived we would feel a lot of culture shock.  They weren't kidding. Being in a different country has really opened my eyes to the world around me and made me so grateful! The sun is starting to come out more and today there was even blue skies! I can't wait to see Kiev in the Spring! It is going to be so beautiful.


  1. You look cute in your new hat. I'm amazed that you're trying all ask these new foods. ;-)

  2. looks liek so much fun! i miss you! and i wish i could wear your boots!

  3. good for you trying to much new stuff! i would LOVE the soup recipe if you can get it! :)
